Top tools this freelance web developer uses to boost productivity

  • May 26, 2023
  • Matt
  • 4 min read

In the dynamic world of web development, a day can whiz past quicker than a high-speed train. Being a freelance web developer in Melbourne means I often find myself in the midst of a relentless storm of project requirements, client meetings, coding, debugging, and keeping up with the latest technology trends. That’s why leveraging the right productivity tools has been paramount in my daily routine. In this blog post, I will share the top tools that I’m currently using to boost my productivity and, hopefully, they will assist you in your own journey.

1. Visual Studio Code:

As a web developer, your code editor is your main playground. My tool of choice? Visual Studio Code. This lightweight, yet powerful code editor supports a multitude of languages out of the box. It also boasts an extensive library of extensions that can facilitate any coding project. Its IntelliSense feature, which provides automatic completions as you type, is a game-changer for increasing productivity.

2. Trello:

Trello is a fantastic project management tool that I use to organise my tasks. As a freelance web developer, keeping track of various projects, their stages, and their requirements can be a juggling act. Trello’s straightforward interface allows me to create boards for different projects, list tasks and their statuses, add checklists, and even set deadlines. Plus, it’s extremely user-friendly and intuitive, allowing me to spend less time organising and more time coding.

3. Slack:

Effective communication is key to any business, and for a freelance web developer, it’s even more critical. Slack serves as my primary communication channel with clients. Its ability to create different channels for various projects or topics makes managing conversations a breeze. Additionally, its integration capabilities with a multitude of other tools, such as Google Drive or Trello, makes it a one-stop-shop for productivity.

4. GitHub:

The importance of version control in web development cannot be overstated. It allows you to track changes, collaborate with other developers, and prevent potential code catastrophes. I prefer using GitHub, a cloud-based hosting service for version control using Git. It’s widely used, and its integration with other tools such as VS Code makes it a must-have in my productivity toolkit.

5. GitHub Co-Pilot:

A relatively new addition to my toolset, GitHub Co-Pilot is an AI-powered coding assistant. This tool, straight from the labs of GitHub, has quickly become a part of my everyday coding process. Think of it as pair programming with an AI. GitHub Co-Pilot provides helpful suggestions as you write your code. It learns from billions of lines of code, providing you with a contextually aware code completion tool.

This tool often saves me from getting stuck in a coding rut. By providing suggestions for complex code, it accelerates my programming speed significantly. Moreover, it aids in writing better code by suggesting best practices. If you’re a freelance web developer, GitHub Co-Pilot could be the AI-powered wingman you need.

6. Docker:

As a web developer, I find myself working with a variety of tech stacks. Docker has been invaluable in maintaining my sanity amidst this chaos. Docker allows me to package an application along with its environment into a “container” that runs uniformly on any infrastructure. This saves considerable time setting up project environments and debugging environment-specific issues, significantly boosting productivity.

7. Postman:

Testing is a significant part of the web development process, and Postman has been an indispensable tool for me. It simplifies the process of testing APIs, allows for easy sharing of test cases, and even automates tests. As a result, it saves a considerable amount of time that I would otherwise spend on manual testing.

8. Pomodoro Technique:

Lastly, a non-technical but incredibly effective tool I use is the Pomodoro Technique. It’s a simple time management method involving a timer to break work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. This technique prevents burnout, keeps me focused, and ensures I am making the most out of my day.

All these tools play a vital role in making my work as a freelance web developer in Melbourne more manageable, organised, and efficient. Remember, the idea is not to use every tool available but to find the ones that fit seamlessly into your workflow. These are the ones that truly boost your productivity and help you deliver top-notch web solutions to your clients. After all, our primary goal should be to create well-crafted web experiences while also maintaining a healthy work-life balance.